DTC Creative Best Practices

Drive results with high-performing ads

Explore proven strategies and creative examples to captivate in-app audiences and win more customers.

See how ads come to life on AppLovin

AppLovin’s AI-powered targeting delivers your ads in interstitial or rewarded placements, pairing engaging video ads with customizable HTML5 end cards that seamlessly drive shoppers to your site.

Video ad

Full-screen portrait video ads feature a “Shop Now” button overlay.

End card

Video ads are followed by an interactive, customizable screen with a clear CTA.

Click to Purchase

Shoppers are sent directly to your website in their default browser.


User encounters full-screen video ad during natural pauses in app activity.

Skip button appears after

5 seconds


User chooses to watch a longer video in exchange for an in-app reward or game boost.

Skip button appears after

30-60 seconds

AppLovin’s AI algorithm determines whether to place ads in interstitial or rewarded video placements for optimal ROAS.

Video Ads

Ad inserted during natural pauses in a mobile app




Up to 60s


mp4 or mov


No limit

Automatic compression

Best Practices

Adapt your winning social ads for apps

Extend the shelf life of your proven hits, UGC, and promos by adapting your ads for in-app audiences.

Hook your audience in the first 3-5 seconds

Bold visuals, thought-provoking questions, and compelling statements can quickly capture attention during the first unskippable 5 seconds of your ad.

Use 30-60-second videos

Rewarded video placements are unskippable for the first 30-60 seconds. Make every second count by highlighting product benefits or reinforcing your brand for lasting impact.

Place captions in the top 2/3 of the screen

Clear, well-placed captions ensure your message is heard, even without sound, while avoiding overlap with CTA buttons.

End Cards

Interactive screen displayed after the video ad, driving up 75% of ad clicks.




Unskippable for 3-10s


5MB or less

Best Practices

Use promotional messages

Highlight special offers, discounts, or limited-time deals to create a sense of urgency and encourage conversions.

Incorporate animations and GIFs

Bring your end cards to life with animations or GIFs. Dynamic visuals hold attention and improve recall.

Keep CTAs clear and fixed

Position your call-to-action where it’s always visible and easy to interact with.

Optimize clickable areas

Design clickable elements within specified parameters to ensure accessibility and seamless user interaction.

Simple End Card Generator

Upload your own images to generate simple static and animated GIF end cards.

End Card Specs & Testing

Review guidelines for creating custom end cards and test them with a playable preview.

End Card Inspiration


Carousel or animation
