The Challenge
Finding incremental, high-ROAS growth through global expansion
Rollic manages an extensive portfolio of gaming apps. Traditionally, they’ve run country-based campaigns focused on key high-income countries with more predictable returns.
While they knew valuable users existed in every geo, acquiring them efficiently proved challenging. Managing geo-bas ed campaigns and calibrating AI-powered user targeting for each was time and resource-intensive. However, to maximize their revenue potential, Rollic recognized the need to attract incremental users and identified global expansion as their most effective strategy.
Rollic, a subsidiary of Zynga, is a prominent mobile game publisher. Since 2018, they have launched over 200 games and achieved over 2 billion downloads.
Istanbul, Turkey
Company Size
The Solution
AppLovin’s AI advancements delivered global scale and fast ROI
Rollic leveraged AppLovin’s monetization solution, MAX, to unlock advanced campaign types including Ad ROAS and blended ROAS on AppDiscovery. Rollic ran these advanced campaigns with automatically-optimized global budgets and a significantly reduced learning phase, made possible with AppDiscovery’s recent AI advancements.
With spend accurately and automatically allocated to users in each geo, Rollic unlocked high-value users that their previous manual, country-based budgeting strategy would have missed. Meanwhile, AppDiscovery dramatically reduced time spent on a learning phase without sacrificing quality. Rollic didn’t need to wait a long time—or budget—for the AI to identify and target these high-quality users. Instead, Rollic started seeing results in a matter of days.
The Results
AppDiscovery’s powerful AI-based user targeting allowed Rollic to scale their apps globally and find chart-topping success.
#1 free game
within 6 weeks of launch1
Top 10
puzzle game app in 30+ countries2
AppDiscovery allowed Rollic to find new scale across their portfolio, with a particularly striking effect in newer apps. Twisted Tangle, a puzzle app Rollic released in May, hit its ROAS goals with a reduced learning phase and was instantly scalable. The app skyrocketed up the App Store charts to reach the #1 spot just 6 weeks after launching.¹ Thanks to AppDiscovery’s efficiency in finding the right users across the globe—no matter where they live—Twisted Tangle is a top 10 app in more than 30 countries.²
Rollic has seen similar results from AppDiscovery across their portfolio, earning AppLovin the position as Rollic’s highest performing network.
In Summary
Expanded globally and unlocked new scale
Rollic acquired incremental users and eliminated the need to manage country-based campaigns by using AppDiscovery’s intelligent global campaigns.
Reduced learning phase investment
Twisted Tangle reached the top 10 in 30+ countries in record time by leveraging AppDiscovery’s advanced campaigns that were able to hit targets immediately with a reduced learning phase and scale.
Sensor Tower: Australia, May 3 – June 11, 2023
2Sensor Tower: June 15, 2023